Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Murder at the Knickerbocker!!!

Dinner theater arrives at the Millennium Knickerbocker this fall in the form of a Murder Mystery. “The Dinner Detective” will start performances this October on the top floor of our historic hotel. Come be a part of the show and enjoy an evening of fun and great food.

Beginning Oct. 16th, this event will keep dinner guests wondering what the next move will be in what has been rated the top murder mystery in southern California for the past three years. In between the four course meal of your choice, you will be a part of guessing whodunit with cast members intermingled amongst dinner guests. Be as active in the game as you wish, but prizes are given to participants who help solve the mystery.

Your ticket (only $59.95 with savings to larger groups) includes Hors d’oeuvres, salad, entrée, dessert and a fun-filled night of laughs and surprises. Cocktails and other drinks may be purchased separately. The show is perfect for anniversaries, birthdays or other special occasions and is the only show of its type in the downtown Chicago area.

As someone who has enjoyed Murder Mystery in Vegas, Salt Lake and Los Angeles, I am looking forward to the mayhem created by the characters both attending and performing weekly in Chicago’s newest dinner theater. So come on and do your best to help solve “The Dinner Detective”.



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